地点:东5楼210室 承办:计算机学院
演讲人:Francine Berman教授(圣地亚哥超级计算中心主任)
题目: Cyberinfrastructure-enabled Research and Education at SDSC
摘要: Information technologies have transformed the conduct of research, education, and practice in the Information Age. “Cyberinfrastructure” – the organized aggregate of information technologies (computers, storage, data, networks, scientific instruments, expertise) that can be coordinated to address problems in science and society – has enabled important new discoveries and advances in virtually every area of research and education. In this talk, we discuss the San Diego Supercomputer's vision for developing and deploying Cyberinfrastructure, and its impact on applications, resources, and research within the broader academic community.
地点:8号楼三楼学术报告厅 承办:计算机学院
Francine Berman教授
Tracy Camp教授
Justine Cassell教授



ACM Fellow,圣地亚哥超级计算中心主任,国际知名的高性能计算、存储领域专家;
Colorado School of Mines计算机系教授,2006年获ACM杰出研究人员奖, 无线传感器领域的杰出研究人员
题目:Mobilizing the data deluge
题目:Wireless sensor networks: motivation, progress, and challenges
题目:Is Rapport necessary for Human-computer Interaction?
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