时间:2007-09-19 10:24:16

  应计算机学院邀请,美国华盛顿Novamente, and Biomind公司首席执行官,美国内华达大学前数学教授,Waikato大学前计算机科学教授Ben GOERTZEL博士将在我院举行学术报告,欢迎广大师生参加!

  题目:Artificial General Intelligence in Virtual Worlds

  时间:2007年9月21日 晚上 7:00

  地点:东五楼 210 学术报告厅


  CEO of Novamente, and Biomind, Washington DC, USA. Former professor of mathematics at University of Nevada, USA, former professor of computer science at University of Waikato, New Zealand, and City University of New York, USA.

  Dr. Ben GOERTZEL is the father of AGI (Artificial General Intelligence), the attempt to combine the branches of AI (artificial intelligence) to create a general artificial intelligence that uses experiential learning to raise its intelligence and knowledge over time.