时间:2016-11-24 10:45:14

TitleA visual exploration of the Geospatial data

时间: 1129日上午 10:00



In this talk, I will first introduce the most recent system we have built for an interactive and visualized exploration of the location-centered real estate data in Australia for the last ten years ( Then, I will adopt a top-down approach from real applications to fundamental research problems, to illustrate several research achievements on seamlessly combining data visualization and data management techniques to enhance the usability of geospatial data. In particular: (1) problem - how to continuously (7*24) monitor the trending areas and houses based on user’s spatial range and KNN queries in streaming fashion; significance - facilitate buyers to find a desired property and for sellers to find the best time to enter the market to sell the house. (2) Problem - How to achieve Efcient selection of Geospatial data on maps for Interactive Visualized Exploration; significance - to achieve the goal of representativeness, visibility, zoom consistency and movement consistency in one basket. (3) Problem – How different visualization designs help user find interesting patterns, help data cleaning, etc. Last, if time allows I will talk about our recent work on exploring the activity trajectory data for interactive trip planning.


Zhifeng Bao is an Assistant Professor in School of Computer Science & IT, RMIT University, Australia. He received his PhD and Bachelor from the School of Computing at National University of Singapore in 2011 and 2006. His recent research interests are: query processing over geospatial data, trajectory data and streaming data, interactive visualized data analytics, as well as data integration and cleaning. He has been committing himself to the task of "how to make data usable", and has published over 50 research papers, 20+ of which are in top venues such as ICDE, SIGMOD, VLDB, SIGIR, WWW, TKDE. His H-index is 14 with 890+ citations. Zhifeng was the only winner of the Best PhD Thesis Award in School of Computing and was the winner of the Singapore IDA (Infocomm Development Authority) gold medal. He has two Best Paper Awards (Australasian Database Conference 2016) and four Best Paper Award Nominations (ICDE 2009, DASFAA 2012, CIKM 2014, ER 2014). His research was supported by several competitive research funding such as Australian Research Council and Google Faculty Research Grant. He has served the program committee of 20+ top conferences in Database and Information Retrieval such as VLDB, ICDE, SIGIR, CIKM, IJCAI. He served the workshop track chair of DASFAA 2017, demo track chair of APWEB 2016 and Awards Committee Chair of ADMA 2016. Personal Homepage: https://sites.google.com/site/baozhifengcs/; http://www.baozhifeng.net/.