时间:2015-04-10 09:43:50
题目: HSAemu – A Full System Emulation for HSA Platform
Abtract: Heterogeneous System Architecture (HSA) is an open industry standard designed to support a large variety of data-parallel and task-parallel programming models. Currently, most of HSA hardware and software components are still in development. It is helpful to provide various heterogeneous simulation environments for HSA developers in developing HSA software stacks. This talk presents the design of HSAemu, a full system emulator for the HSA platform, and illustrates how those HSA features are implemented in the simulator. HSAemu provides an infrastructure of heterogeneous simulation environments by supporting required HSA features, including hUMA, hQ and HSAIL. Based on the infrastructure, HSAemu has implemented two simulation models: FastSim and DeepSim. FastSim is a functional HSA model for fast simulation of a complete HSA software stack. FastSim takes advantages of parallel simulation techniques to achieve high simulation speed. DeepSim supports a detailed GPU model to simulate a cycle accurate GPU to gather more profiling information for micro-architecture design tradeoffs. In our preliminary experiments, the infrastructure of HSAemu is successfully tested to run a complete HSA software stack. The performance comparison between FastSim and DeepSim shows that FastSim is about 3 to 85 times faster than DeepSim. HSAemu could be used as a useful developing tool for the development of HSA systems.
Bio: Dr. Yeh-Ching Chung is a professor in the Department of Computer Science at National Tsing Hua University (NTHU). His research interests are in the areas of parallel and distributed processing, cloud computing, and embedded systems. He is the founder of Taiwan Association of Cloud Computing (http://www.tacc.org.tw), the chief scientist of UniCloud research group (https://www.unicloud.org.tw), and the deputy director of Computer and Communication Research Center (CCRC) of NTHU. He has delivered an HSA emulator, called HSAemu (hsaemu.org), which was a collaborated work with MediaTek. Dr. Chung received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from Syracuse University.