Sergei Gorlatch学术报告通知
时间:2012-08-16 13:53:15

题目:A Real-Time Framework for Developing Scalable Internet Applications

报告人:Sergei Gorlatch




The Real-Time Framework (RTF) is a novel development and runtime platform for developing and running Internet applications with real-time requirements. Popular examples are Massively Multiplayer Online Games(MMOG) and high-performance systems for simulation-based e-learning and training. Because of the very high interactivity and the real-time requirements, the main difficulty in developing future Internet applications is how to make them scalable, i.e. to maintain the real-time constraints and responsiveness by adding resources when the number of users increases.
The Real-Time Framework (RTF) meets the future Internet challenges by
1) distributing and parallelizing computations in the application design.
2) efficiently supporting computations and communication over multiple servers.
We will report experimental results on the performance and scalability of RTF-based applications, and conclude by formulating the advantages of RTF that go beyond the state of the art in the area.

Sergei Gorlatch is Full Professor of Computer Science at the University ofMuenster (Germany) since 2003. Earlier he was Associate Professor at the Technical University of Berlin, Assistant Professor at the University of Passau, and Humboldt Research Fellow at the Technical University of Munichin Germany. Prof. Gorlatch has more than 100 peer reviewed publications in renowned international journals and conferences. He is often delivering invited talks at international conferences and serves at their programme committees. He was principal investigator in several international research and development projects in the field of parallel, distributed, and Cloud computing, funded by the European Commission, as well as by German national bodies. Prof. Sergei Gorlatch holds Dr. Habilitation degree from the University of Passau (Germany) and PhD degree from the Institute of Cybernetics of Kiev in Ukraine.