题目:Algebric Specification for Cloud Computing a Case Study of GoGrid
报告人:Ian Baylay
Resource management is a key component in cloud computing, especially for infrastructure-as-a-service(IaaS) and platform-as-a-service (PaaS). Open specifications for such facilities have been adopted by the IT industry. However, they need to be unambiguous and implementation-independent. To show how this can be achieved, we present, as a case study, an algebraic approach to formally specifying the GoGrid API. In so doing, we demonstrate the applicability of formal methods to cloud computing.
Ian Bayley was born in Liverpool UK and studied for his MEng Computingat Imperial College, London. He obtained his DPhil from the University of Oxford in 2002 with his thesis "Generic Operations of Nested Data types" on the applications of category theory to functional programming. After two years at the University of Bournemouth, he became a Lecturer and then a Senior Lecturer at Oxford Brookes University. He has helped to organize two conferences, QSIC 08,on quality software, and CYBERPATTERNS 2012, on the patterns of cyber security. He has published many papers on the formalization of software design patterns and has recently become part of the MONICA project, in which Brookes and HUST are partners. His research interests include formal methods, software engineering, cyber security and cloud computing.