题目:Software-as-a-Service Clouds and Agent-oriented Programming
报告人:Hong Zhu(朱鸿)
It is widely recognized that cloud computing in general and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) in particular has imposed grant challenges to software development methodologies, while the definition of the notion of cloud computing remains a matter of controversy. This talk will first discuss the characteristic features of cloud computing by considering computing paradigms as socio-technological systems consists of three perspectives of technology, management and business. Cloud computing is then put in contrast against other computing paradigms, such as enterprise computing and service-oriented computing, to clarify it characteristics. The talk will then focus on SaaS and analyses its architectural alternatives: multi-instances and multi-tenancy approaches. Given the advantages of multi-tenancy architectures, its requirements on software engineering methodologies are explored. Based on these analyses, an agent-oriented programming paradigm and its implementation will be presented and examined for its suitability of developing cloud software.
朱鸿,英国牛津布鲁克斯大学(Oxford Brookes University)计算机系教授,应用形式化方法研究组组长。 1961年2月出生。1978年就读于南京大学计算机系计算机软件专业,分别于1982年、1984年与1987年于南京大学计算机系获得学士、硕士和博士学位。1987年9月至1998年11月任教于南京大学,先后任讲师、副教授、教授和博士导师。1990年至1994年在英国Brunel 和Open大学任博士后研究员。1998年11月起,任教于牛津布鲁克斯大学(Oxford Brookes University)计算机系,现任计算机科学教授,领导应用形式化方法研究组。2000年起在国防科技大学计算机系任特聘教授。
主要科研领域是计算机软件,著有专著两部、学术论文逾160余篇。任《软件学报》、《软件测试、验证与可靠性学报》(Journal of Software Testing, Verification and Reliability) 、《软件质量学报》(Software Quality Journal)、《多主体与网格系统学报》(Multi-Agent and Grid Systems- International Journal)等学术刊物任编委。曾主持和参加了多项863和973科研课题、自然科学基金重大课题和国防科学基金研究项目的研究。曾获得教育部优秀年轻教师奖励基金、霍英东青年教师奖二等奖(研究类)、杰出青年基金(1997年)等奖励。