时间:2013-11-04 11:08:11

题目:Classifying Network Traffic in the Big Data Era

With the arrival of Big Data Era, properly utilizing the power of big data is becoming essential for the strength and competitiveness of businesses and organizations. We are facing grand challenges from big data from different perspectives, such as processing, communication, security, and privacy. In this talk, we discuss the challenges in classifying big network traffic data and our solutions to the challenges. The significance of the research lies in the fact that each year the network traffic increase exponentially on the current Internet. Traffic classification has wide applications in network management, from security monitoring to quality of service measurements. Recent research tends to apply machine-learning techniques to flow statistical feature based classification methods. In this talk, we propose a series of novel approaches for traffic classification, which can improve the classification performance effectively by incorporating correlated information into the classification process. We analyze the new classification approaches and their performance benefit from both theoretical and empirical perspectives. Our work has significant impact on wide applications.

Professor Yang Xiang received his PhD in Computer Science from Deakin University, Australia. He is currently a full professor at School of Information Technology, Deakin University. He is the Director of the Network Security and Computing Lab (NSCLab). His research interests include network and system security, distributed systems, and networking. In particular, he is currently leading his team developing active defense systems against large-scale distributed network attacks. He is the Chief Investigator of several projects in network and system security, funded by the Australian Research Council (ARC). He has published more than 130 research papers in many international journals and conferences, such as IEEE Transactions on Computers, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Transactions on Information Security and Forensics, and IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications. Two of his papers were selected as the featured articles in the April 2009 and the July 2013 issues of IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. He has published two books, Software Similarity and Classification (Springer) and Dynamic and Advanced Data Mining for Progressing Technological Development (IGI-Global). He has served as the Program/General Chair for many international conferences such as ICA3PP 12/11, IEEE/IFIP EUC 11, IEEE TrustCom 13/11, IEEE HPCC 10/09, IEEE ICPADS 08, NSS 11/10/09/08/07. He has been the PC member for more than 60 international conferences in distributed systems, networking, and security. He serves as the Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Computers, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Security and Communication Networks (Wiley), and the Editor of Journal of Network and Computer Applications. He is the Coordinator, Asia for IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Distributed Processing (TCDP). He is a Senior Member of the IEEE.