题目:Reducing the high cost of data storage in the cloud
In this seminar, I shall start with a brief introduction about Australia and Australian education. Then I shall give a summary of my research centre and some related projects. The focus of this talk is on how to find out the minimum possible cost as benchmark for storing huge volume of generated data in (scientific) applications and how to reduce the cost of data storage with innovative strategies in the cloud. This talk will be delivered in a unconvetional manner with my personal involvement and experience in conducting PhD supervision.
Yun Yang is a full professor who leads Next Generation Software Platform research at SUCCESS (Swinburne University Centre for Computing and Engineering Software Systems) of Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia where he was Associate Dean (Research) of Faculty of ICT during 2008-2010. He earned his PhD degree from the University of Queensland, Australia in 1992. He was Research Scientist at Cooperative Research Centre for Distributed Systems Technology (DSTC) before he joined Deakin University as Lecturer and then Senior Lecturer. He went to Swinburne in late 1999 as Associate Professor and then full professor. He has co-authored three research monographs and published over 200 scholarly papers. His current research areas are primary software engineering including workflow systems and distributed systems including cloud computing.