题目:e-Health: Data mining and data integration in health informatics
报告人:张彦春 澳大利亚维多利亚大学
In last few decades, with the advent of database systems and networking technologies, a huge volume of health data and valuable medical knowledge have been electronically available, accessible and processible, especially over the virtual cyberspace - the Web, even from a remote corner in the world. Nowadays the wide deployment of Hospital Information Management Systems (HIMS) and Web based clinical or medical systems, for example, the Medical Director, a generic GP clinical system, have made it possible to record, disseminate and implement the health information and clinical practices easily and globally. And health care and medical service is becoming more data-intensive and evidence-based since electronic health records are used to track individuals' and communities' health information (particularly changes). These substantially motivate and advance the emergence and the progress of data-centric health data and knowledge management research and practice, for example, Health Informatics.
In this talk, we will introduce several case studies and research projects to address the challenges encountered in health service. We will then introduce a framework of data integration, knowledge management and user behaviour modelling for complementing and improving existing health care and service systems.
张彦春教授现任澳大利亚维多利亚大学工程与科学学院教授,应用信息学研究中心主任。他1991年获昆士兰大学计算机科学博士后,先后在南昆士兰大学和维多利亚大学从事教学、科研工作。他目前担任澳大利亚研究理事会(Australian Research Council)专家委员会委员(COE,College of Experts),是第一位在这一澳大利亚顶尖学术组织任职的数学,信息及通讯科学领域的华裔科学家。
张彦春教授长期从事数据库、数据挖掘、协同事务管理、网络信息管理、网络服务、网络信息系统工程及应用领域的研究,其研究成果已具有国际影响或占据国际领先地位。他在上述领域发表学术论文200多篇,其中多篇次发表在国际一类杂志 (如ACM Transactions,IEEE Transactions) 或者被SCI检索,出版专著、编著10余部,被同行引用2000多次(Google Scholars 2010)。
作为创始人之一,张彦春担任任由Springer发行的国际万围网杂志 (WWWJ) 的主编和国际互联网信息系统工程与技术丛书 (WISE-IT) 的主编。国际万围网杂志 (WWWJ)是该领域最权威的学术杂志。 张彦春于2000年创立了国际互联网信息系统工程协会(WISE Society) 并任主席,他同时担任国际互联网信系工程学会主席和国际互联网信系工程系列会议指导委员会主席 (2000年起) 。