时间:2011-05-16 10:53:46
题目:Cost Minimization while Satisfying Hard/Soft Timing Constraints for Heterogeneous Embedded Systems
报告人:邱美康 肯塔基大学
  Embedded systems are everywhere in our everyday lives and driving an information revolution. Using heterogeneous functional units (FUs), I have addressed high-level architecture synthesis for real-time embedded systems. With more and more different types of FUs available, same type of operations can be processed by heterogeneous FUs with different costs, where the cost may relate to power, reliability, etc. Furthermore, some tasks may not have fixed execution time. Such tasks usually contain conditional instructions and/or operations that could have different execution times for different inputs. Therefore, for such special purpose architecture synthesis, an important problem is how to assign a proper function unit type to each operation of embedded systems and generate a schedule in such a way that I can minimize the total costs while satisfying timing constraints with guaranteed confidence probabilities. I have proposed several efficient algorithms to solve this problem. The experiments show that my algorithms can effectively reduce the total cost compared with the previous work. I also have applied this approach for low power design and multi-bank on-chip memory to improve the performance and energy-saving of the systems. A lot of novel results have been produced and most of them have already been reported to research community through high-quality journal (such as ACM Trans. on Design Automation (TODAES), ACM Trans. on Embedded Computing Systems, IEEE Trans. on Computer, and IEEE Trans. on VLSI) and conference papers (ACM/IEEE DAC, DATE, and ISSS+CODES).
  Meikang Qiu received the BE and ME degrees from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China. He received the M.S. and Ph.D. degree of Computer Science from University of Texas at Dallas in 2003 and 2007, respectively. Currently, he is an assistant professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of Kentucky. He has worked at Chinese Helicopter R&D Institute, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and IBM, etc. He is an IEEE Senior member. He has published more than 100 peer-reviewed papers, including 40 journals. He has received three IEEE/ACM Best Paper Awards recently, including IEEE/ACM GreenCom 2010, IEEE CSE 2010, and IEEE EUC 2009. He has been on various chairs and TPC members for many international conferences. He served as the Program Chair of IEEE EmbeddCom’09 and EM-Com’09. His research interests include embedded systems, hardware/software codesign, wireless sensor networks, computer security, etc.