题目:iHPC: Towards Pervasive High Performance Computing
报告人:何丙胜 南洋理工大学
In the information era, high-performance computing (HPC) is a key paradigm for taming the ever-increasing data volume and users' expectation on the performance of computation. In this talk, I will present my research effort, iHPC, towards a vision that everyone can take advantage of HPC anywhere and anytime.
I have explored two projects under the context: HPC@home and HPC@cloud. HPC@home develops the hardware and software infrastructure on personal computers using commodity hardware, whereas HPC utilizes the current technology of cloud computing to perform HPC in the public data center. Specifically, I will present building HPC@cloud for high-performance data-intensive distributed computing on two projects, Comet and Surfer. Comet develops an optimized execution model for analytical queries on structured data, and Surfer is an infrastructure customized for large scale graphs. Optimizations in these systems demonstrate significant performance improvement on real-world workloads. Finally, I will outline the research opportunities in iHPC.
Dr. Bingsheng is currently an Assistant Professor at Division of Computer Science, School of Computer Engineering, Nanyang Technological University. Before that, he was worked for Microsoft Research Asia (2008-2010), where his major research was building high performance cloud computing systems of Microsoft. He got the Bachelor degree in Shanghai Jiao Tong University (1999-2003), and the Ph.D. degree in Hong Kong University of Science & Technology (2003-2008). His current research interests include cloud computing, database systems and high performance computing (with a focus on GPGPU). His papers are published in many prestigious international journals and proceedings such as ACM TODS, IEEE TKDE, ACM SIGMOD, VLDB/PVLDB, IEEE ICDE, ACM/IEEE SuperComputing, ACM PACT, ACM SoCC, CIDR, ACM CIKM and USENIX HotOS. He has been awarded with IBM Ph.D. fellowship (2007-2008) and NVIDIA Academic Partnership (2010-2011).