时间:2010-05-17 09:19:56

题目:Toward High Efficient Computing
报告人:施巍松博士 美国韦恩州立大学

  Energy poses one of the greatest threats facing humanity this century. IT infrastructure accounts for 2-3% of global electricity usage and greenhouse gas emission — equivalent to the emissions of the entire aviation industry sector; this number would be as high as 14% if indirect energy use were included. A latest IEA report warned that the electricity use would even be doubled by 2022 and tripled by 2030. The mounting concern over the IT greenhouse effect has introduced a new dimension to the design, implementation, and usage of the technology that are traditionally optimized for speed and size. IT industry has rushed to market more energy-efficient technologies, from lower-power chips, energy-efficient servers, to green datacenters
Sustainable computing leads to green IT. Its impact on greenhouse gas mitigation is far more than the 2-3% liability. In fact, sustainable computing is a transformative innovation in cyber world; its tight conjoining of and coordination between computational and physical resources would turn our physical world to be greener and safer. In this talk, Dr. Shi will attack the problem from the perspective of high efficient computing, including energy-efficient software design, an energy-aware operating system, and waste-free computing initiative.

  施巍松,现为美国韦恩州立大学计算机科学系副教授、终身教职。移动和因特网系统结构实验室主任、可持续计算实验室主任。施巍松博士是全国百篇优秀博士论文获得者(2002), 美国国家科学基金会杰出青年教授奖获得者(NSF CAREER Award,前身为President Young Investigator Award)。施巍松1995年7月本科毕业于西安电子科技大学计算机系,2000年1月在中科院计算所获得博士学位。施巍松博士的研究兴趣包括计算机系统和可持续计算。他已经在相关领域的高级杂志和会议上发表了100多篇论文,论文被他引600次以上, H-Index 值为18。他编写的新书《Foundations of Computer Systems Research》即将由高等教育出版社出版 (2010),全球发行。
施巍松博士是IEEE资深会员,并担任英文计算机学报(JCST)和国际传感器网络学报的编委,同时担任过多个国际学术会议的程序委员会委员,是第一、二届大规模分布系统中信任和声望管理研讨会的共同创办人。施巍松博士担任过多个国际一流期刊的客座编辑,包括Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC)、IEEE Internet Computing Magazine和世界多个科学基金会的特邀评审专家(如美国国家科学基金、香港研究资助局、 卡特尔国家研究基金等)。此外,他还获得过韦恩州立大学2004年度文理学院“优秀教师奖”、韦恩州立大学2009年度“Career Development Chair”奖、2004年度 IFIP Web工程会议(ICWE)的最佳论文奖,2005年度IEEE国 际并行和分布处理会议(IPDPS)的最佳论文奖,并于 2009年入选世界名人录。