Geyong Min博士学术报告通知
时间:2009-09-14 10:16:18

题目:Modelling and Analysis of Hybrid Scheduling Schemes with Heterogeneous Multimedia Traffic
报告人:Geyong Min博士 英国布拉德福德大学

  The past decade has witnessed an explosive growth of advanced multimedia applications in communication networks. Many recent measurement studies have shown that realistic traffic in multi-service networks exhibits heterogeneous Long-Range Dependent (LRD) and Short-Range Dependent (SRD) properties, which can considerably deteriorate user-perceived Quality-of-Service (QoS). Modelling and analysis of heterogeneous multimedia traffic have drawn significant interest and received tremendous research efforts from both academia and industry.
  This talk will present a new analytical model for the hybrid scheduling scheme that integrates the well-known Priority Queueing (PQ) and Generalized Processor Sharing (GPS) for provisioning of differentiated QoS required by multimedia applications. In order to make the challenging problem of modeling the complex hybrid scheduling systems subject to heterogeneous multimedia traffic tractable, a novel flow-decomposition approach is presented to divide the hybrid system into a group of Single-Server Single-Queue (SSSQ) systems. The validity of the flow-decomposition approach and the accuracy of the analytical model are demonstrated by comparing analytical results to those obtained through extensive simulation experiments of the actual system.
  To illustrate its applications, the model is adopted as an efficient tool to study the issues of resource allocation and call admission control in the hybrid scheduling system subject to specific QoS constraints.

  Dr Geyong Min is a Reader in Computer Networking in the Department of Computing at the University of Bradford, United Kingdom. He received the PhD degree in Computing Science from the University of Glasgow, United Kingdom, and the B.Sc. degree in Computer Science from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, P.R. China. He joined the Department of Computing at the University of Bradford, UK, as a Lecturer in 2002, was promoted to a Senior Lecturer in 2005 and became a Reader in 2007. His research interests include Performance Modeling and Engineering, Computer Networking, Multimedia Communications, and Mobile Computing.
  His recent research has been supported by UK EPSRC, Royal Society, European FP6, Nuffield Foundation, and industrial partners including Motorola Ltd, Lucent Technologies, IBM, INMARSAT, and InforSense Ltd. He has published over 170 research papers in the well-established journals and conferences including IEEE Transactions on Computers, IEEE Transactions on Communications, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, IEEE Communication Letter, ACM/Springer Journal of Mobile Networking and Applications, Performance Evaluation, and Computer Networks.
  Dr. Min is an Editorial Board member of 5 international journals and serves as the Guest Editor for 19 international journals. He has chaired/co-chaired 30 international conferences /workshops and served as the committee member of 150 professional conferences/workshops including GLOBECOM, ICC, LCN, VTC, ICPP, and ICCCN.