题目:The Live Video Streaming over the Internet: Lessens from Coolstreaming
Live video streaming is perhaps the greatest unfulfilled promise of the Internet. There have been significant efforts and no shortage of technical innovations in the past two decades, but large-scale cost effective video streaming remains as an elusive goal. In this talk, I will review the Internet video streaming development from a historical perspective, and focus on the recent development in Peer-to-Peer (P2P) based video streaming technology. Specifically, I will discuss the experiences and our recent results from one of the largest commercial live streaming systems in the world, Coolstreaming, and its implications on the global deployment. Finally, I will also touch upon the challenges associated.
男,香港科技大学计算机系副教授,获清华大学计算机科学学士和硕士、美国麻省州立大学电机计算机工程系(University of Massachusetts at Amherst)博士,曾在IBM工作多年,主要研究方向为网络计算和网络流媒体。李波博士2004年获得了国家自然科学基金海外杰出青年基金。从1999起担任微软亚洲研究院兼职研究员和美国电器电机学会资深会员(Senior Member of IEEE)。目前担任IEEE通信协会(Communications Society)杰出讲座学者(Distinguished Lecturer)。近年来李波发表了200余篇论文,其中70多篇发表于IEEE和ACM 的学术期刊上,在网络研究领域成绩卓著,如发表了国际上第一篇因特网服务器置放论文,在学术界广泛引用并且为内容分布网络(Content Distribution Network, CDN)提供了坚实的理论基础。由其指导开发的全球第一款大规模对等流媒体直播系统Coolstreaming已经累计为全球超过百万人提供了视频服务,Google检索超过300,000条。李波博士在18家国际著名期刊担任过编委,包括《IEEE无线通信学报》(IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications)、《IEEE移动计算学报》、(IEEE Trans. on Mobile Computing)、《IEEE移动学报》(IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology)、《ACM无线网络学报》(ACM Wireless Networks Journal)等;此外还是三期《IEEE通信特刊》(IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications)的责任编辑。他担任了第24届(2004年)IEEE INFOCOM的程序委员会联合主席。李波博士目前受聘为华中科技大学兼职教授。