时间:2008-07-28 15:02:07

题目:French National Grid Testbed :Grid 5000
报告人:Franck Cappello研究员,法国国家信息与自动化(INRIA)研究所

The Computer Science discipline, especially in large scale distributed systems like Grids and P2P systems and in high performance computing areas, tends to address issues related to increasingly complex systems, gathering thousands to millions of non trivial components.Theoretical analysis, simulation and even emulation are reaching their limits. Like in other scientific disciplines such as physics,chemistry and life sciences, there is a need to develop, run and maintain generations of scientific instruments for the observation and the experimentation of complex distributed systems running at real scale and under reproducible experimental conditions. Grid'5000 is a large scale system designed as scientific instruments for researchers in the domains of Grid, P2P and networking. More than a a testbed,Grid'5000 has been designed as a "Computer Science Fully Reconfigurable Large Scale Distributed and Parallel System". It allows researchers to share experimental resources spanning over large geographical distances, to allocate resources, to configure them, to run their experiments, to realize precise measurements and to replay the same experiments with the same experimental conditions. Computer scientists use this platform to address issues in the different software layers between the hardware and the users: networking protocols, OS, middleware, parallel application runtimes,applications.In this talk, we will present:
1) the motivations, design and current status of Grid'5000,
2) some key results at different level of the software stack,
3) the impact of this system as research tools,
4) ALADDIN, the INRIA initiative to make Grid'5000 a sustainable research platform and to extend its usage to service infrastructure,neworking and the novel Internet research.

Franck Cappello holds a Senior Researcher position at INRIA. He leads the Grand-Large project at INRIA, focusing on High Performance issues in Large Scale Distributed Systems. He has initiated the XtremWeb (Desktop Grid) and MPICH-V (Fault tolerant MPI) projects. He is currently the director of the Grid5000 project, a nation wide computer science platform for research in Grid and P2P. He has authored more than 60 papers in the domains of High Performance Programming, Desktop Grids, Grids and Fault tolerant MPI. He has contributed to more than 40 Program Committees.He is editorial board member of the international Journal on Grid Computing, Journal of Grid and Utility Computing and Journal of Cluster Computing.He is a steering committee member of IEEE HPDC and IEEE/ACM CCGRID.He is the General co-Chair of IEEE APSCC 2008, Workshop co-chair for IEEE CCGRID'2008, Program co-Chair of IEEE CCGRID'2009 and was the General Chair of IEEE HPDC'2006.