时间:2008-12-18 08:58:50

题目:Probabilistic Queries
报告人:林学民 教授,澳大利亚新南威尔士大学


  Uncertain data are inherent in some important applications, such as environmental surveillance, market analysis, and quantitative economics research. Uncertain data in those applications are generally caused by factors like data randomness and incompleteness, limitations of measuring equipment, delayed data updates, etc. Due to the importance of those applications and the rapidly increasing amount of uncertain data collected and accumulated, analyzing large collections of uncertain data has become an important task and has attracted more and more interest from the database community. Recently, uncertain data management has become an emerging hot area in database research and development.

  In the talk, I will first introduce the models of uncertain and probabilistic data representation in databases and the possible world semantics. Then, I will present techniques to process various types of queries, including probability threshold queries, ranking joins, OLAP queries, skyline queries, similarity queries, etc, with the focus on our recent work in VLDB07, SIGMO08, and ICDE09.


  Xuemin Lin is a Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of New South Wales. He is the head of database research group in the School of Computer Science and Engineering at UNSW and the leader of the research program of data and knowledge management in ARC Research Enterprise Information Infrastructure (EII). Xuemin got his PhD in Computer Science from the University of Queensland (Australia) in 1992 and his BSc in Applied Math from Fudan University (China) in 1984. During 1984-1988, he studied for PhD in Applied Math at Fudan University. His current research interests lie in data streams, graph databases, keyword search, probabilistic queries, spatial and temporal databases, and web information systems. He published over 120 papers in both theoretical computer science and database systems, including SIGMOD, VLDB, KDD, ICDE, EDBT, WWW, TODS, TKDE, VLDBJ, etc. These include 3 best paper student paper awards in ADC04, APWEB05, and ICDE07, respectively. He has been also involved as a PC in a number of conferences, including SIGMOD, VLDB, ICDE. Currently, he is an associate editor of ACM Transactions on Database Systems.