Title: Security and Privacy in the Networked World: Some Challenges and Solutions Forward
The human society is highly dependent on networked communications and also vulnerable to ever-growing cyber security and privacy threats. In this talk, I will first give a high-level overview of our recent cyber security research in multiple directions, such as online social networks, dynamic spectrum sharing, mobile device security, and indoor navigation. Then I will introduce EyeTell, our latest result published in the 2018 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy. In EyeTell, we propose a novel video-assisted attack that can infer a victim’s keystrokes on his touchscreen device from a video capturing his eye movements.
Yanchao Zhang is a professor in the School of Electrical, Computer and Engineering at Arizona State University. He holds a Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Florida. His primary research is on security and privacy issues in computer and networked systems, with current focus areas in emerging wireless networks, mobile crowdsourcing, Internet-of-Things, social networking and computing, wireless systems for disabled people, big data analytics, wearable computing, edge computing, mobile health, and AI.
Prof. Zhang has been on the editorial boards of IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, IEEE Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, and IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. He received the US NSF CAREER Award in 2009 and chaired the 2015 NSF Workshop on Wireless Security, the 2016 ARO Workshop on Trustworthy Human-Centric Social Networking, and the 2017 IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security.